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It's Great to be at Harding and Microsoft Agrees!

We have all heard that It's Great to be at Harding and have seen the pictures around campus of the smiling faces of our peers. But what emotion are they really showing? Microsoft seems to think that they are indeed happy. But why do I think that Microsoft thinks this?

Well I used Microsoft's new emotion detection AI beta software to read the emotions off of one of the pictures from the Harding website. It detected one face and it was primarily happy. This tool rates each emotion (anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, neutral, sadness, and surprise) on a scale from 0 to 1 where the amount of each emotion adds up to 1. The happiness on this girl's face was 0.9999996 with every other emotion rated very very small.

So why did Microsoft create this software and how can we expect to see it our future gadgets?  Some ideas they have shared is for marketers to use it to judge the emotions of their potential customers. Another possible application is for messaging app additions that go based off of emotions.

The possible future applications of this technology may not interest you but if you just want to have some fun with it and  try it out for yourself with your own pictures you can go to or if you are a programmer and want to use this software in your own program there is an API at And if you need an extra smile and are participating in no shave November you can try out Microsoft's other new fun facial recognition software that detects and rates your facial hair at I hope you have a day that is primarily happy and enjoy plugging in all your pictures!

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