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You have learned much, young Grasshopper

Have you ever been interested in learning how to code but have been too intimidated by large textbooks or hefty online courses to really take a dive? Are you looking for an interactive way to learn a new skill that won't require hours of studying or force you to stay in one spot to practice? Do you just love mini-games and solving puzzles, and if you end up learning along the way that's alright too? Well here's the app for you:

Grasshopper is a free app designed to make the process of learning how to code, a skill that is becoming more and more needed in society, easy and fun. Through a process of mini-games you learn the ins and outs of Javascript specifically, becoming a capable coder in the amount of time that you wish to put into the app!

The puzzles, at least in the beginning, are small and designed to be able to be completed in a very short time, so doing a few lessons in your spare time is very doable. The app walks you through some fundamentals and then presents the challenge for the lesson you selected. Naturally the puzzles become more and more difficult, and the app allows you to schedule daily reminders so you don't lose any of the skills you've acquired by not tending to it.

You'll of course start with the fundamentals and then are presented with multiple puzzles for each module. One in particular was described involved placing the correct code, presented in chunks (some correct and others incorrect), to draw the French flag. It then dives deeper into more difficult tasks such as animations and many more complex functions.

Of course in our achievement-based culture there is an achievements section that lets you know what achievements you've unlocked and what it will take to unlock more, you're streak of days that you've been coding, how many Javascript concepts you've learned, etc.

At this point there are no plans to expand to other languages, because according to the companies research over 70% of professional developers use Javascript and the goal of the app is to teach fundamental concepts with Javascript as the platform to do so.

Grasshopper is available on the Google Play store and Apple's App store. Get learning!

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