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Preventative Maintenance for Computers

Having computer problems? Feel free to come by our DormNet help desk for some help! But how do you keep from having problems? Here are some preventative measures for keeping your computer problem free for longer.

First, there are several ways to physically maintain your computer. Heat and moisture are the two worst things for your computer. Heat can be lessened in more ways than just making sure you don't leave your computer in a hot car. Be sure to keep the outside of your computer dust free so the vents and fans don't get clogged. When cleaning your computer, use lint-free wipes and compressed air and always turn off and unplug your computer. Moisture is a little harder to prevent since we live in a humid state. Keep your computer away from windows that can fog up and drip water on your computer as well as open drinks that can easily spill.

Software is another mandatory route if you want preventative maintenance. A good antivirus is a great place to start. Harding enforces this good habit by requiring all computers to have antivirus in order to get on their network. But beware, antivirus can become more of a problem than a help when you have multiple of them. Taking all but one off will help your computer look out for trouble and not fight against itself. Another set of software that is good for preventative maintenance is spyware and malware scanners. Scanning your computer on a regular basis with these scans or with your antivirus scans can help viruses be found and then be quickly removed. Lastly, having an up to date computer is very important. If you have a PC set Windows Updates to automatic and for all computers keep your system updated. 

Another thing that is a good idea for your computer is to back it up in case something does happen. Putting all your files on an external drive or on the cloud will make sure that they are saved even if your computer stops working. 

These may seem like simple things to do, but if you stay on top of them your computer is more likely to work longer and better. If you have any questions on how to do any of these things or need antivirus or malware and spyware scanners come by the DormNet help desk on the second floor of the Admin building and we will help you with preventative maintenance for your computer.

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