Apps Us College Students Can't Live Without
Whether we want to admit it or not, there are certain apps that we could not survive without. Apps are out there to make our lives easier, more efficient, and more entertaining. We quite literally have the world at our fingertips when it comes to the different apps we have access too. Here are a few in particular that have become such an important part of our daily college lives.
I personally am not a user of this app, but I hear enough about it to know how widespread it is. Twitter is an online social networking site that allows users to send and read 140 character "tweets". These tweets can be pretty much about anything... jokes, feelings, the weather... whatever is on your mind. For many people, it's a way to stay "connected" to their favorite celebrities or "tweeters" who have an exceptional gift of humor. Don't forget, how would we maintain our infamous HU chapel tweets without Twitter. Obviously and much need app.
Ok, maybe this one is more for the ladies. This popular picture app just may be the cause of Facebook's continuing decline. Basically, Instagram is a way to portray your life through pictures and their attached captions. We use it to document important events, birthdays, and pictures that we think we look great in (if we're being honest).
3. YouTube
Most of us grew up watching various YouTube videos, but now having it handy on our phones has made life more... entertaining. We use this large video app to look up songs, cat videos, or whatever else it is we find entertaining. This one is definitely a big time killer.
4. Canvas
This is a handy app when we decide we need to actually get some work done. For most of us, our classes work through Canvas to post grades, turn in assignments, take quizzes,etc. Checking this app frequently allows us to stay on top of grades and make sure assignments get submitted on time.
5. Square Wallet
Being the technologically dependent generation that we are, we have come to rely on many different apps just to get us through the day. Happy apping!
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