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4 Easy Ways To Destroy Your Laptop

Laptops are an integral part of our everyday lives.  We use them for homework, social media, listening to music, gaming, and many other productive and entertaining things.  As expensive as they can be, a laptop is one of the most useful (if not necessary) items to own, easily justifying the hundreds or sometimes thousands of dollars needed to buy one.

There will always come a time, however, when each laptop must die.  This is a sad and unavoidable truth, a law as inviolable as the rising of the sun.  Intimidating as that may be, look on the bright side - who doesn't like sucker punching their wallet to buy a new computer every couple of months?

With this idea in mind, I've prepared some tips to help you end the life of your current laptop more quickly and violently than ever before.  Following my guide, you will learn some quick and easy ways to harm your computer during every day use and probably have some of your own current practices reinforced as well.

1.         Rest Your Laptop On Your Bed

I can think of no better way to overheat a machine than by burying it under a comforter that traps enough body heat to scramble an egg.

When your laptop is running, the processor generates a lot of heat - enough to ruin or flat-out melt some of the hardware components.  This heat is normally dispersed by fans on the machine to keep cool air flowing through the system.  Blocking these fans with a blanket or even allowing them to become permanently clogged with dust from your bedding is a great way to ensure that your machine gets hot enough to cause irreparable damage.

2.     Pick Your Laptop Up By Its Screen

I know what you're thinking - this one is too obvious for a list like this.  While I'm inclined to agree, I think it's important to at least touch on the fundamentals out of respect for the damage they can cause. Anyway, if you like the thought of your display shattering, or at the very least the idea that your hinges will snap, then this one is for you.  Instead of lifting the computer from underneath the base as is recommended, tug the corners of your screen with your fingers until the device is totally off the ground, and then set it down forcefully every time you need to move it.  This is most effective for bulkier laptops and is a good way to jostle sensitive components loose.

3.     Yank Your Power Cord Out By Its Cable

Don’t worry about grabbing the base of your charger to unplug it from your laptop gently; this will protect it from being separated from the rest of the cable, or worse, it will reduce warping the charging port itself.  What you want to do is get a fistful of cable, stand ten feet away from the computer, and jerk backwards with the power of ten thousand storms.  

Do it enough times, and the cable will eventually fray, and if you’re really lucky, it could even rip the head off of your cord, leaving its tip to clog the charging port until Christ returns to call us home.

4.     Eat Every Meal Using Your Laptop As A Plate

We’re all naturals when it comes to eating food while using a computer, but many of us don’t even realize just how sound a practice this is in terms of instantly breaking a perfectly good device.  Think about it this way: slosh a little Dr. Pepper over the keyboard just one time, and the laptop you got for your birthday yesterday is instantly useless.  If you’re not into Dr. Pepper, you could at least keep enough crumbs on the keyboard to sate the hunger of a small animal.  That way you can tear up the keyboard and risk causing damage to internal parts when you end up having to open the case to fix or replace malfunctioning keys.

So there you have it: four simple yet effective ways to ensure that your next computer won’t last long.  I can guarantee that given enough attempts, following these instructions will harm your laptop beyond repair, giving you good reason to buy a new one with all that money you were planning to flush down the toilet.

Of course, if for whatever reason you were planning on saving your money instead of wasting it, then you can do the exact opposite of what I described above to extend the life of your computer, which just seems kind of cheap.  But who am I to judge?

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