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Having Trouble? Look through this list and see if you can find an answer!

Microsoft Office 365:

Office 365 on iPad

Adobe Creative Cloud:

How to Install

What is SafeConnect?

SafeConnect is a program used by Harding to ensure that you have a working Anti-Virus program installed. Once it has detected a working Anti-Virus program, it will allow you access to Harding's network.

Why do I need Anti-Virus?

Anti-virus software protects you and those around you from malicious people accessing your information. All computers (laptops and desktops) should have some form of Anti-virus on them.

Windows comes preinstalled with Windows Defender. We recommend this for most Windows PC users.

Macintosh computers (Macs) do not come with any installed by default. DormNet is more than happy to help you install one that will not only keep you protected but also not clutter up your computer too much.

Recommended Anti-Virus programs

AVG    (Windows)  (Mac)
Avast  (Windows)  (Mac)

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