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Passwords 101: Why You Need One and How to Make it Great


We all have so many of them that over time numerous applications, reminders, and auto-login technologies have come along just to help us remember these sequence of letters and numbers for the dozens of websites & accounts we seem to have these days. Until a new technology comes along that removes all traces of user-generated passwords, the best thing you can do to protect yourself from any possible hackers is to make sure you have a good password. We hear it all the time, but What does it really mean to have a good password and Why does Harding require all students to reset their password every year? All these questions and more will be discussed in this post.

What Makes a Good Password?

How Long It Takes Hackers to Crack Your Password

The addition of just a few characters can make it a huge difference

When it comes to creating a password, most of us just try to come up with something we know we will remember rather than actually creating one that is difficult for others to guess. This might seem smart in the moment, but it only makes it that much easier for hackers to crack your password and have access to all your data through that account or device. To ensure that your password is both easy to remember and safe from hackers, here are a few simple tips.

  1. Use at least 9 characters with multiple uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols
  2. Never use anything relating to your personal name or an organization you are affiliated with
  3. Avoid using passwords that are similar to a previous password you had

Using these three simple tips will significantly decrease the chance of you getting hacked. At first it might be difficult to remember these seemingly difficult set of letters, numbers, and symbols, but after a few successful log-ins you will be glad you did the next time you hear of someone losing all their personal data from a hacker. Make the change TODAY!

Why Do We Reset Passwords Every Year?

As you can probably imagine, switching your password for all things Harding simply ensures that you are receiving the maximum amount of protection for your personal data. Harding stores a huge amount of your personal data such as birth date, SSN, and more through its servers and databases, so this quick and simple thing we do every year will help protect your valuable information from getting into the wrong hands. For those that might be confused on how to reset your Harding password, here are a few easy steps.

1. Go to the Pipeline Log-In Screen

2. Select the "Change Password" option

3. Fill in your current username & password then enter your new-and-improved password

Once complete, you'll need to re-enter your information on your phone, tablet, etc. to ensure that your devices remain in sync with your Harding account. Check out these other great articles on the DormNet Blog on how to set up your Harding e-mail on various phones and tablets.

1. iOS Devices - Using Email App

2. iOS Devices - Using Gmail App

3. Android Devices - Using E-Mail App

4. Android Devices - Using Gmail App

The next time you sign up for a new account online or have to reset your password for the 15th time, try implementing some of these tips. It will make your online privacy much more secure and keep hackers away from your personal information. Feel free to check out the rest of the DormNet Blog for other helpful tips and tricks to enhance your online experience here at Harding University or call us at 501-279-4545 with any questions you might have. 

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