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Something Seems Phishy

Did you know that the most common way "hackers" get your information, is by you giving it to them? Most "hackers" use a scheme that is called phishing. They create elaborate websites that look just like a login page for your favorite websites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Lately, a phishing group has been responsible for creating and sending an email with an attachment that get's you to enter in your Google account information. Here are some signs of the new Google phishing scheme:

1) Getting an email with, what seems to be, a Google account login page. It may look like this:

--If you are unaware if a page that looks like this is a real Google sign in page, look at the URL. Google will only ever use an <<HTTPS://>> site. If the site is anything other than that DO NOT TRUST it and exit! As well, if you are signing into something using your google account, the URL should be almost always be:
--This specific phishing scheme seems to be using a URL like <<data:text/html>> DO NOT TRUST IT

2) The email may look like this:

If you feel like you may have fallen prey to a phishing scheme, it is good to go through and change every single password you have for everything. It may also be a great idea to run a virus scan.

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