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HU Pal - The New Harding Pipeline Mobile App!

Pipeline is great, but it can be difficult to access your information on a mobile device. There are dozens of links on each page which are difficult to click on a phone. Just to view your chapel skips, for instance, you need to log in, go to the Home tab, click on Student Services, then Student Records, then Chapel Info, then select the current semester, and then click on a submit button! That's really hard to do on a phone, and even on a computer, freshman can have a difficult time navigating on Pipeline. There must be a better way!

Now, there is! Introducing HU Pal, a new app designed to give you the most popular features of Pipeline with the press of a button! This app allows students to login using their Pipeline username and password to view information in a clean, fast format designed for smart phones. The current features include:

- Harding Events Calendar
- GPS-Enabled Campus Map powered by Google Maps
- Emergencies Page with a button to quickly call Public Safety
- Course Schedule
- Chapel Info, including remaining chapel skips

Screen Shots

Login Screen                               Main Screen - White Theme        Main Screen - Black Theme

For people who wish to use the app without a Pipeline account, there is also a Guest mode which allows access to just the event calendar, campus map, and emergencies page.

My name is Brent Ward, and I am developing this app along with my good friends Thane Durey and David Sigmund. We created HU Pal as a final project for our Android app development course, and the app recently won first place at Harding's Software Development Showcase based on peer and professor reviews. We plan to expand upon the app over the summer and add additional buttons for more Pipeline features. If all goes well, HU Pal will become the official mobile app of Harding University.

We will be hard at work, and we hope you will one day be able to enjoy HU Pal on iPhones and Android devices!

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