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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Antivirus Software

Who needs antivirus software?

Believe it or not, everyone on Harding’s campus is required to have current antivirus protection running on their computer.  Yes, even Macs must attend to this rule.  Why you may ask?  The answer has to do with an application you were required to install called SafeConnect.  SafeConnect is not an antivirus program.  SafeConnect checks your computer to see if an antivirus program is installed and running properly.  If your computer is not meeting those requirements, it will be “quarantined” and will no longer be able to connect to the internet.

Which antivirus program is right for me?
Against popular belief, you do not have to pay money for decent antivirus protection.  I repeat:  you do not have to pay for antivirus protection!  There are several trusted and reliable antiviruses (AV’s) out there which will do the job just fine.
DormNet interacts with several major AV suppliers and have compiled a list of the Good, Bad, and the Ugly when it comes to decent AV’s.

Windows Defender is a free antivirus program that is pre-installed on all Windows 8 devices.

The Good
Windows:  Microsoft Security Essentials (free), McAffee (paid), Kaspersky (paid)
Mac: Sophos

The Bad/The Ugly
Windows:  AVG (free), Avast (free), Norton (paid)
Mac:  N/A

NOTE:  Windows 8 computers are automatically configured with Windows Defender.  It is an excellent antivirus program and it is not necessary to download additional software.

DISCLAIMER:  DormNet does not officially put one AV above another.  The commentary here is solely the opinion of the writers.

While McAffee is a trusted AV, you do have to pay for a subscription.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q:  I paid for Webroot, but Harding tells me I still need to install an antivirus for my computer.  Is this true?
A:  Unfortunately Webroot does not meet the standards required by Harding to be a sufficient AV.  You’ll need to install an AV that meets the requirements.  (See suggested list of AV above.)

Q:  My subscription just expired on my current AV.  What do I do now?
A:  If you don’t plan on renewing your subscription, please uninstall your current AV and install another from the list suggested.

Q:  So you’re telling me SafeConnect isn’t an antivirus program?
A:  Correct.  SafeConnect is NOT an antivirus program.

Q:  Macs are supposed to be really good at not getting viruses.  Why do I need additional protection?
A:  In the past this was true.  It takes a lot of money to make an effective virus.  It used to be before Macs were prominent it wouldn’t be cost effective to make a virus that affects Macs.  Now that Macs are more widely used, there is a larger interest in making viruses that target Macs.  It is not because Macs are magically immune to viruses.

Q:  I’m confused.  I have antivirus protection, but I still have popups and my computer is running slow.  What’s the deal?
A:  Antiviruses are only as good as user.  If you’ve failed to keep your AV up-to-date, or have accidentally downloaded malware/spyware, then your computer doesn’t stand a chance.  We suggest bringing your computer to the DormNet Help Desk so we can help you get your computer up and running normally again.

Have additional questions or concerns?  Call the DormNet Help Desk at 501-279-4545.  Our office is open Monday through Thursday, 11 AM – 10 PM and Friday 11 AM – 5 PM.

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