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Beware of the Boxes and Buttons!

Checked Boxes and Radio Buttons

In today's Internet connected society, we are constantly submitting forms and filling out information. Each click of the mouse and each stroke of a key tells the computer or program what to do. The best part about technology today is that it is quick, convenient, and flexible. Sometimes this causes an issue. Since we expect everything to be immediate and fast, it's easy to use our devices and computers too rapidly. This produces several BIGGER issues. For instance when registering for websites, they usually have a pre-checked box next to, "Yes, I want to receive emails from" Next thing you know, you have thousands of spam emails from hundreds of websites you could care less about. When installing software, you might find yourself clicking the "Next" button without even reading the material. Typically, there will be checked boxes or radio buttons that install other annoying programs, toolbars, and search engines that you may not want.

Here is an example of a registration form for contractors. As you can see, the box is pre-checked to receive updates and offers via email. You DO NOT have to un-check the box for all Internet registration forms. In fact, sometimes you maybe want to be notified about certain offers and promotions. This is just a warning to read thoroughly before you hit submit on any form. This is to help eliminate your stress from obnoxious emails.

Here is an example of an installation wizard for a program called Unlocker. As you can see, all the boxes are pre-checked for an annoying toolbar and search engine called Babylon. This is one of many irritating programs that software creators sneakily slide into their installation wizards. Once again, you DO NOT have to un-check the box or radio button. This is just another warning to slowly comprehend every word on an installation window before you hit the "Next" button. Otherwise, you could end up with tons of ad-ware and bothersome programs.

Caution: Beware of the Boxes and Buttons!!!!! 

You do not want to be these guys...

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