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A New Twist on an Old Favorite

It seems as though every few months there is a new phone game that has become increasingly popular.

A few years ago it was the notorious Angry Birds and since then we have seen other hits such as Temple Run, Flappy Bird, Candy Crush, and Trivia Crack. As with most fads, they come and go relatively quickly and though some people may continue to still play them (I still play Temple Run on occasion), their shelf life is usually short-lived.

Well recently, as in yesterday, I was introduced to this new game called 1010! It's a Tetris-like puzzle game where you have to strategically fit pieces together in a line and once a row is fill it disappears.

It's an amazingly fun time waster that also takes a lot of strategy, which I love in a game. You don't get to see what your next set of pieces will be until you use all three at the bottom of your screen and you better hope you haven't gotten yourself in a position where you can't use one of the pieces because then, the game will end.

1010! is really great and I highly encourage everyone to download it and check it out. It will definitely help you waste time AND stretch your brain!

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