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Never Walk Home Alone

One of the most common demands I receive from my mother is the infamous, "Text me when you get there". During this time of my life where I'm far away from home (as many of us are), living on my own, and travelling from place to place, friends and family are frequently requesting that I text them when I get to or from where I'm going.

It's a good request, and I often ask the same thing of those I love. To be honest though, that initial request is usually met by a rolling of the eyes and a "sure, sure whatever". With that attitude, I consequently usually never take the time to text or call anyone to declare my safe arrival (which makes the mother quite upset).

As college students just like myself, I'm sure most of yall can relate to this situation. It's the first time in our lives where we're truly on our own; away from home and without the supervision and direct authority of our parents. Safety is a real concern for us, but often we take it too lightly. What is a good practical solution? Well, two weeks ago an app was released that makes sure we never travel alone again.

The app is called Companion. How exactly does it work? Well, it allows friends, family, or whomever you allow to track your journeys around the world.Whether you're walking back to your dorm late at night, making a quick trip to Walmart, or travelling home for the summer, your designated "companions" can make sure you get there safely.

More specifically, the app uses built in sensors to detect movement that might suggest trouble. For example, if the user starts running or their headphones come out, the app will ask that the user confirms that they are OK. If the user fails to confirm, a messenge will be sent to the companion who then has the option to call the police. At the same time, a siren type noise will be emitted from the users phone. Another useful feature are the messaging buttons. For example, if the user was walking home alone one night and detected suspicious activity around, they could select "I feel nervous" which would prompt the companion to check in and keep watch. Once the user reaches their destination, an alert would be sent confirming their safety.

This app was originally designed for college students as a way to combat campus crime. Even here on Harding's campus, crime and susceptibility are a very prevalent danger that we need to be conscious of. This app could help. It takes the "text me when you make it" to a more practical and useful application. This quickly growing app is not limited to campuses, however. Companion has also been used for study abroad programs, children of all ages, and even as a way to keep track of senior citizens. In the past week alone, Companion has logged over 500,000 new users, including myself.

I've recommended a lot of apps in my day, but this one even more so. Stay safe, get Companion.

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