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Santa Claus is Coming Your Way

'Tis the season! The lights are up, the tree is decorated, the presents are wrapped, and the cookies are set. However, for some people in the world this isn’t going to be a typical Christmas. Designers and developers have done it again, they have created new and inventive ways to shake up our traditions. This year it our beloved Santa and the ever iconic Christmas tree are getting a digital makeover.

Santa is the first to get a spruce-up. He isn't coming by reindeer or sleigh this year, he's coming by projector. has put together a system where you connect your DVD player to a projector and, by use a high definition screen inside your window frame, you are able to project a realistic looking Santa right inside your window. As the DVD plays, Santa looks as if he is in your home walking around, putting down presents, and eating cookies. This image from BBC news round gives a view of what this “new” Santa looks like, pretty cool.

However, Santa isn't the only one getting a holographic makeover this Christmas. In Amsterdam they have set up a holographic tree that is 6 meters by 7.5 meters and is composed of 33 holographic plates. Projecting onto these plates are four Digital Projection Titan Super Quads with 80,000 ansi lumnes, which, when put together, compose a never before created, holographic christmas tree. While that is all very technical sounding, the result is a thing to behold. As you can see in the picture below.
This giant holographic tree is located in the middle of the entryway of the Rijksmuseum, and as the day goes on it amazes the passers by as it slowly cycles through projections of an icy blue and cheery green Christmas tree. One more representation of how far we have come in the digital era.

No matter how you celebrate your Christmas this year, I hope you have the happiest of holidays and the safest of travels. Merry Christmas!

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