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WARNING your computer had been blocked! OR has it?

Struggling with a disabled account? Recently there has been an influx of disabled accounts. Here at Dorm Net we want to make you aware of a scam going around, and warn you against similar ones.
Have you ever had a web page pop up stating that your computer has been compromised? 
It might look something like these:

You immediately panic, this computer is you life and everything you need for school is on it. Your instinct tells you to fix the problem as soon as possible, but what you really need to do is to take a second to breathe.
This window popped out of nowhere, and it looks official. Even though it looks like an official windows warning, it has the wrong phone number. Secondly, all Harding students have to have a anti virus on their computer to be on the network. If there was an issue the message would be from your anti-virus, not a pop-up.
However, as previously mentioned in our blog, email scams are becoming more realistic and the same is true of popups and click bait. Make sure to go into your web browser settings and block popups. 
So what do you do?
Immediately close the browser, if you can't, turn off your computer. Do not: click the page, call the number, NEVER allow anyone you don't know remote access your computer, and NEVER give financial information or payment. 
If you get a message on you computer, even if you didn't call, please bring your computer to the Harding Dorm Net help desk to have scans run. If this has happened to you let us know! We will work on your computer for free! If we cant fix it, we will refer you to a trusted place to have your computer examined and fixed. 

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