COMPLAINTS HERE: Pipeline Feedback for a Better Tomorrow
Recently, I have received various comments and seen posts on social media from friends about problems with Pipeline. We here at DormNet understand your plight, and we sincerely want to help. The reason behind creating New Pipeline was to provide a better experience for students, but it is still a work in progress. The beauty of it all is that students are able to provide feedback, and the designers of the site take everything said into consideration and are actively updating it to the students' needs and suggestions. Unfortunately for us, we are the guinea pigs, but that's okay! We simply have the opportunity to improve a service for students in the years to come.
How can you help?
The creators of Pipeline are not as numerous as the student body, and they do not see everything we may see. Therefore, they can't know that a problem exists unless we tell them. So, instead of talking about it with each other, let's fix the problem. For example, the other day, a friend let me know that Pipeline wasn't working for him, and consequently, we discovered that there was a campus-wide problem with the site. The developers were able to fix the problem, and everything returned to normal.
Furthermore, we here at DormNet are here to be your voice, the middleman between the student body and the Technology department. If you contact us with problems with multiple login attempt problems, weird formatting issues on Pipeline, or you can't find something using the search bar, we can send in the problem, and most likely it will be an easy fix. We want to help!
If you want to contact us directly, you can email us your suggestions at, or you can go to the following link to the feedback form for New Pipeline:
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