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Chrome Extensions You Didn't Know You Wanted

One of the best things about Google Chrome versus some other Web Browsers is that Chrome is somewhat personalize-able, and this is especially evident in the ability to add third-party extensions right into the browser window itself. What a time to be alive! The following is a list of really awesome extensions that can 'extend' your merit in web browsing. And the best part its, they are all FREE.

Google Dictionary

If you are like me, you struggle with being baffled when it comes to complex and large words. Google Dictionary takes an ordinary person like you and me and removes this bafflement with a simple double-click. No need to open a new tab! Once you double click, the rest of the sentence will make sense because a definition of the word will pop up instantly so that you will be flummoxed no more.

Tab Wrangler

Only the worst type of people have a dozen tabs open at once. If you are this sort of person, who worries about closing a tab because you might need to take the 4 seconds it takes to open tabs again, then Tab Wrangler is for you. Tab Wrangler allows the option of automatically closing inactive tabs, and an easy way to revive tabs that were previously closed, and to sync open tabs across computers. This extension will turn you from a Tab Hoarder into a good old-fashioned Tab Wrangler. Yee-Haw!

Session Buddy

Similar to Tab Wrangler, Session Buddy also allows control over your tabs. It lets you save, close, and retrieve groups of tabs together. Again, there is no fear of losing anything in a tab you opened 5 days ago, you can save your spot and open it back up later, saving RAM and my sanity.


No, this isn't an extension to help you abruptly fall out of contact with someone you went on a few dates with. Ghostery has a more honorable cause, It helps you keep track of websites that are gathering information on you and allows you to block this behavior. This extension is the best-known and trusted privacy tracking extension out there and allows you to leave behind only the information you want to leave behind.


This is my personal favorite of this group of Chrome extensions. Pushbullet recognizes that you use Google Chrome over a slew of devices. This extension effortlessly allows communication through all of these devices through sending messages, files, links, and notifications. You'll never have to worry about losing information from one device to the next ever again!

Data Saver

If you like to save your parents money on your cellphone data plan by not exceeding your data limit, or you are on a slow or limited connection (which wouldn't happen at Harding ever...), then Data Saver is for you! It compressed non-HTTPS sites in non-incognito windows before they reach Chrome so your browsing speed increases quite a bit!


Have you ever sent an email to a professor or employer with a word misspelled or with a sentence that was completely screwed up? I know I have! Grammarly can save you some embarrassment and tell you when a word is misspelled. You might be thinking, "But don't all common word processors catch spelling errors!?". You are right! Grammarly also catches grammatical errors that you wouldn't have even known existed!

AdBlock Plus

This extension is a MUST for anyone who is annoyed by ads that pop up on your Facebook or YouTube, ect. This program angelically blocks these intrusive ads with so much ease. There is even an option to allow well-meaning ads that are advertising for support of their writers. You can even choose to turn it off on sites you'd like to see the ads on.


This extension is one of the most necessary for college students. If you find yourself lacking the willpower to stay away from Pinterest for more than 10 minutes, then you need this extension. StayFocused puts a lock down on your browser for a period of time that you desire and has the ability to put certain programs on the 'whitelist' or 'blacklist'.


This extension is for the internet speed lover in that's in all of us. With Gauge you are able to measure varying aspects of your computers interaction with the Web. You can see where in the world websites are hosted, how long they are taking to load, how fast your Internet speed, and so much more.

Rescue Time

"What do you do with all of your time!?", your mom might ask. RescueTime shows you exactly where you spend the most time when you are browsing the internet and shows you just how much time you are actually spending on doing something productive. Add this extension at your own risk!

Chrome Remote Desktop

If you've ever wanted to experience using a remote desktop but the tool is too complex or not user friendly, then the Chrome Remote Desktop is the best option. The application is installed on all devices you want to connect to remotely and the application is very easy to use and can switch between systems with ease.

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