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10th Anniversary iPhone - A Legacy of Design

Though it may be difficult to believe, the 10-year anniversary of the iPhone is just around the corner.  The original iPhone was introduced to the world on June 29, 2007, and that date is widely regarded as a major landmark for not only modern technology but also lifestyle and culture.  Since the release of the first iPhone, mobile computing has progressed significantly.  Modern smartphones not only have vastly improved the basic features of earlier models but have also added new features that were not available in a mobile phone ten years ago.  Smartphones and their applications have had a wide impact on modern cultures from economics and careers to interpersonal relationships and communication.

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With the 10-year anniversary of this landmark approaching, many consumers and investors are looking to Apple to see what their newest edition of the iPhone will bring to the table.  According to Reuters, the next Apple flagship is suspected to have features like wireless charging and a high-resolution display.  However, these features are hardly "new" in the smartphone industry; competing devices have boasted similar features for years.  This point raises an interesting idea about Apple's leadership and methodology for innovation.  Apple has a tradition of releasing products that have great impact on the field of technology, but these products rarely utilize technologies that are not commercially available in other devices.  Rather than innovating by introducing brand-new technologies, Apple's typical path is to perfect, repackage, and aggressively market technologies in a way that reinvigorates present technologies and makes them more attractive or accessible.  Despite their controversial strategies and design choices, Apple's sales speak for themselves; Apple has managed sustained success in the ever-changing personal computing and entertainment market.  While no one knows exactly what path Apple will take with their next flagship smartphone, one can expect it to be a purposefully chosen path with industry-influencing design choices.

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