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Is Google Really Safe?

They say  that Google directs 25% of traffic on the internet. There are 3.5 billion searches on Google every day. That  averages 40,000 searches every second. Because of the amount of data that Google collects, they have to protect themselves, and you.

Google does a lot in the way of security. They have a multi-level security system that protects them from hackers and other threats. Their first and most drastic level of defense, is people. They have a team of 900 experts that watch network security day and night. They have people in operations watching and identifying threats at all hours of the day and night.

Next they encrypt the connections to Google Cloud. This protects against a variety of attacks that could occur, primarily network attacks. These can come in many forms, denial of service attacks, worms, or even malware. There can be a variety of effects from all of these attacks, and none of them are good. This is why they require users and machines to authenticate themselves as trusted users and machines.

Data is also encrypted. Anything that you store in Google Cloud is encrypted. This prevents unauthorized access to your machines, and to Google services. Finally, they protect their software and their hardware by ensuring that unauthorized code cannot run. They also have high security compounds all over the world that house their hardware and servers. In their servers they place a titan chip, a chip designed specifically by Google to protect the entire system. Before a server can even boot up, the titan chip has to confirm the security of a server, making sure the infrastructure is not compromised in any way.

Long story short, Google puts a lot of money, resources, and time into the integrity of Google cloud and our information.

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