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Net Neutrality Repeal - Why it was a Good Thing

America was founded on the principles of the free market. We regulate markets to stop unethical behavior and to stop monopolies from forming. In 2015 the F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission) voted to institute Net Neutrality on internet service providers which had not to that point shown any of the things that it outlawed such as throttling, blocking, and paid prioritization. On the surface this looks like a good thing, stopping the ISPs from instituting pay to play systems. It had another effect however, it stopped innovation and competition which is what our economy thrives on. People invest based on new products coming into a market and the potential that they see in these products. Effectively net neutrality stopped all of this, everyone stuck to a tried and true business model not testing the waters at all and the only real source of competition being pricing and customer service. There was no real differentiation in the market and the barriers to entry for potential new competitors were almost insurmountable.
On June 2018 Net Neutrality lost all effect from the federal government. This opened up a world of possibilities for growth and innovation in the internet market. It also has not brought about the many prophecies of the doomsayers, no one is really seeing any changes at all so far and most likely ISP will start to try some new things but not radically change any systems. If they try anything and people hate it they will stop doing it because other people can come in and take business away this is the heart of competition and the free market.

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