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Cast a Spell on Spring semester

Want to start off your semester with a little magic? Kano partnered with Apple to create a wand-erfully crafted product (The wand also works with windows and android systems). This is an actual wand that works with Kano's application! The wand allows for the creation of blocks of code in the form of spells from Harry Potter. The wand works using a bluetooth and motion sensors. There are step by step challenges and games for users or users can experiment editing the code to see what effect it has on the spells.  

This product is a great way to make coding a wizardful experience, and discover the magic of programming. There are all kinds of fun spells to try from summoning a broomstick to editing the sound your wand makes. You can save your creations to Kano world where you can download and edit others creations as well.  The following video from Kano computing explains how the wand works. 

Kano computing's you-tube channel includes several basic tutorials to help you begin your wizarding adventure. This product is currently for sale for $100 on amazon. This includes all your wand components, step-by-step book, stickers, and poster, and free Kano app. Here is a video of the first "un-boxing" of the kano wand for your viewing pleasure: 

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