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After the "folding" hype of CES 2019, Samsung made a move. Samsung owns about 50% of the total android market share, major fans and competitors had their eyes on Samsung's conference this week. During the Galaxy event, Samsung had a "shotgun" approach to expanding it's product line. New fitness watches, a new line of phones (S10 class), wireless earbuds, promising 5G features, and a phone that can transform into a miniature tablet: The Galaxy Fold.

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One news group (The Morning Brew, I'm a big fan), called the folding innovation "Like the standing taco shell...". Some specs from the same news team bellow. Personally, the new class of smartphone looks like a step backwards. Costing almost two thousand dollars, the taco shell appears to be rebelling tech's main roadblock: size. In the age of Air Pods and thin screens, the Galaxy Fold looks thicker. In my opinion, the "unfolded" screen looks minimized. Would you sacrifice a bigger, high resolution screen for a fold-able tablet? Although the folding screen is neat, how practical is the feature? My budget Motorola has amazing features, some already in the stock android OS. Features like: split screen mode and smart gestures for turning on flashlights. Is the ability to turn your smartphone into a tablet a feature worth the price tag? The market will soon decide on April 26th.

"It boasts a 4.6-inch screen when sandwiched in half, but expands to 7.3 inches once opened. Oh, and don’t forget about its two (2) batteries and six (6) cameras. The phone is also adapted for triple-app multitasking.... Finally, the innovation we’ve been waiting for"

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