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We've all become accustomed to seeing wearable technology more frequently.  FitBit and Apple watches are commonplace nowadays, but what about even smaller wearable tech, like a ring?

One such device is the Touch HB ring.  This rather expensive and fancy device will allow you to connect to a partnering ring and, with just a tap, read their heart beat on your ring.  When reading the other's heartbeat, you ring will light up and vibrate to their pulse.

Despite descriptions, it does seem a bit chunky at 3.9mm thick.  It is, however, extremely durable.  The glassy outer material on every ring is unibody sapphire crystal, meaning it's almost impossible to scratch.  This feature also is a large contributor to the $600 dollar price tag for just one ring.

A cheaper option would be the Motiv smart ring.  At about 2.5mm thick and about 400 dollars cheaper, the Motiv ring seems to be a more practical option.

In Amazon reviews, it does carry a reputation for lower battery life than expected, and scratching easily, and it's not an accurate enough heart rate tracker to accomplish what the Touch HB ring can.  But still, it achieved higher reviews than one of the latest fitness tracker FitBit released, the Charge 3.

Though wearable technology has come a long way, the practicality of wearable smart rings may have a ways to go.  Still, it's an interesting development to look forward to in the future.

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