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A Fix to Slow Start-Ups!

We have had many people come to the DormNet help desk with problems, and the computer can take minutes to completely start up because of Spotify and Skype taking FOREVER to load. I know this has been a problem in the past for me, so I thought I would show you how to quickly and easily work with your start up settings!

First we will work with Windows 7 operating systems.

Windows 7 Steps:

  1. Click on the Start button in the bottom left corner of the desktop screen and type 'msconfig'
  2. Navigate to the start up tab and uncheck any undesired programs.
  3. Once you are done, you can click on Apply then OK and then your computer should prompt you to restart. You MUST restart right then for your start up settings to save.

Windows 8 Steps:

  1. Go to your task manager. (This can be done by right clicking on the toolbar at the bottom of your desktop screen)
  2. Once you have task manager opened you can go to the start up tab and disable any programs that you don't want or that have a high start up impact.
  3. Once you are done you can exit out of task manager and your settings will be saved. No immediate restart is required.

There you go! Now you no longer have to wait 5 minutes for your Spotify, Skype, or any other cumbersome program to start up before you can get to work on your computer!

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