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Amazon Dash Button

If you're anything like me, you get to the bottom of the shampoo bottle and have to borrow your roommates until you can go get some more. Or you forget to buy more bread. Or more laundry detergent. No matter what it is, you're stuck for a few days without whatever it is you need to continue living your daily life.

Amazon, wunderkind of the Internet, has come up with a solution to that problem: the Amazon Dash Button.
Place the button anywhere in your living space (recommended that you place it near where you store your home goods, connect it to your wifi (using the Amazon app) and you are good to go! Anytime you are getting low on a product, press the button. A confirmation will be sent to your phone, so you have time to change your mind, 

Currently only Prime Members are able to use it, but it is free! Currently there are 18 of the most popular brands on the market, but more are expected to come. If you are interested and want one, go to to get one for yourself!

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