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Apps for Students

Cell phone apps for Harding Students 

To all freshman and transfers, welcome to Harding University! It is great to be at Harding, and DormNet is here to help you with your technical needs. Here are a few applications that are useful and fun to have on Harding University's campus:

The Harding University app: HardingU

Image result for harding university appImage result for harding university app           

The Canvas student app

 Image result for canvas student android app 

You can also view this in the browser by going to If you need help accessing canvas you can contact Elearning at (501) 279-5201

Gmail App


This is provided for students who live on campus. You can also watch Philo in a browser on a computer at If you have a smart TV, getting a roku will allow you to download the philo app. Instructions on how to do that are here on the blog, just search philo or click on this link: 

Other helpful apps


This is a helpful study tool that lets you create electronic flashcards and test yourself with games and generated tests. You can also search other student's study sets, this is especially helpful if they have taken or are taking the same class.  

Microsoft office: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint 

Adobe Acrobat

The last four are especially helpful when reading documents from canvas or emails on the go.

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