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Low-Cost Learning

If you’re like me, you enjoy tinkering with things and getting under the hood. When it comes to computers, that can be a tempting, but somewhat difficult thing to get into. Fear not, however, because there is a low-cost and low-risk way to start doing some pretty neat stuff.

Enter the Raspberry-Pi: a small (wifi capable) mini-computer about the size of a deck of cards. It’s not the most powerful or flashy thing, but it’s got every bit of power you need to do some simple, yet fun, projects. Did I mention that a kit is only $40 on Amazon? Scrounge up an old monitor, keyboard and mouse and you’ve got a fully functioning computer. You can also put your Pi to use in one of many interesting projects.

Without further ado, here are a few of my favorite Raspberry Pi project ideas:

Base Raspberry Pi

OK, this isn't really a project, but the Raspberry Pi runs on a Linux-based operating system known as Raspbian. Linux is Open Source, which means there are ample opportunities for customization. Raspbian provides a awesome introduction to the world of Linux, and I know I had fun just learning how to use it because it is so different from the typical Windows or Mac experience. Have some fun just playing around out of the box!

Pong for Raspberry Pi:

This project allows you to recreate the classic video game from the ground up using step-by-step instructions. All the code you need is given to you for the project, so no programming knowledge is needed, but you will learn some basic Python along the way through the instructions.


RPi Weather Station

You can also use your Raspberry Pi as an internet weather station by following the steps listed on this guide. It requires a little more coding knowledge, but should be simple enough for those relatively new to the programming sphere. Using the suggested screen creates a really clean, almost widget-looking, display.


Voice Activated Music Streaming

Have you ever wanted to stream music through your home stereo system without having to go through the fuss of connecting your phone or laptop? Connect a raspberry Pi and you can stream any song on Youtube just by asking. (You don’t even have to say “please”). This is done through the use of the Google Assistant. It’s the luxury of the early 2000’s, for the price of $40 and some code. (Code included in tutorial).


Raspberry Pi 3 Kit on Amazon:

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