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Blue Light? What's that?

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     Do you, like most college students, find yourself looking at some kind of computer or smartphone for a couple hours a day? I often find myself on my computer 2-3 hours every afternoon, whether it be doing homework or relaxing.  And then once I get off my computer I find myself on my phone while laying in bed. 

Most of us have to admit that we probably have a "slight" addiction to our phones. We stay up way too late scrolling through social media feeds and then find ourselves in a terrible cycle of not being able to sleep after putting our phones down. Then, of course, we pick them right back up, further feeding our addiction and destroying our circadian rhythm. Truth be told, it might not be 100% of your addiction's fault for your lack of sleep. 

Most ever digital display emits this light called "blue light." This light has been proven to affect the quality of one's sleep and could cause permanent damage to one's vision. Late evening exposer to blue light could cause:
1. shortening of the total time one sleeps
2. significantly suppressed melatonin production
3.  increasing how frequent one wakes up in the middle of the night

But this can be helped. I recently bought a cheap pair of blue light blocking classes from Cyxus. They have numerous styles of glasses and great prices. 

(Cyxus clear lens glasses)
In no way was my life radically changed, but I did notice an improvement in my sleep and late night studying. I get fewer headaches, my eyes don't dry out like they used to, I feel better that I'm taking better care of my eyes, and so much more.  I didn't even realize how bad I was feeling after using the computer at night until I started using my Cyxus glasses.  I would say the improvement is still not anything amazing, but for less than $20, I think they're worth it.  If nothing else it gives many of us who don't have prescription eyewear an excuse to wear functional yet stylish glasses that otherwise would be nothing more than a fashion statement. 
If you'd like to buy some, you can find many styles here at Cyxus.

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