Can a font help you study more effectively?
Do you sometimes find that after reading something, you barely remember what you've read? Part of this comes from abilities that make reading faster and easier. Common words don't have to be broken into pieces to be understood, because we remember them. We see the first bit of a word, and don't read the rest once we recognize the word. In speed-reading, we often read multiple words at a time, but typically comprehend less of what we read. Often times, we skim the material instead of reading for comprehension, so researchers at RMIT developed a font to combat this.
As you can see, the font contains gaps that make it harder to read. Not only that, it tilts in the opposite direction that a font is italicized, which is also the opposite direction that an average right-handed person would typically tilt their lettering. The gaps and tilt make it harder to speed-read and skim over the material because you can't recognize a familiar word or phrase so easily, forcing you to stop and decipher each word you read. Sans Forgetica certainly slows down your reading speed, but is intended to increase comprehension and force you to think about what you're reading.
As far as study methods go, this one is pretty easy to use. Not only that, it's free for download at their website, and RMIT also offers a chrome extension that will change the font of a web page to Sans Forgetica.
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