MacBook Tip: Summarize Feature
One of the least-known features on MacOS is the summarize feature, which allows the user to take any given text and summarize it into a length of their liking. This feature could come in handy if you are running behind but need to read an article before class, or if you are reading for pleasure and just simply do not want to read an entire text. Disclaimer: I am not suggesting that you use this in place of your class readings! In order to activate this feature, you must first open the “System Preferences” of your Mac and go to the “Keyboard” settings.
From there, you can select the “Shortcuts” tab and select “Services.” Then, you may scroll down until you see “Summarize” and select the box next to it.
Now, in order to use the feature, you press Command + A, or select the text you would like summarized, control-click the text, go to the services menu, and select summarize.
From that point, you can select sentences or paragraphs to be summarized, and you can use the slider bar to control the length of the summary.
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