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Forgotten? Expired? No problem, we'll help!

Did you know that you are required to change your Pipeline password every semester? I know changing your password every 6 months can be annoying, but it is essential to keeping your information safe! Listed below are a few steps you can take to help change your password in the case of forgetting your password or it expiring on you!

Forgotten/Expired Password

Ah! It happens to the best of us. We create these intricate passwords, but then forget them the next time we go to use them. Fortunately, there is a way to change your Pipeline password.

1. a) Go to or click here
1. b) Go to the Pipeline Sign-in and click "Forgot Password"

2.) Click on the "Forgotten/Expired Password" Tab
3.) Enter in your Pipeline Username and your Birthday [mm/dd/yyyy]
4. a) If you have set your security question, put in the answer and create a new password.
4. b) If you haven't set your security question or you have forgotten the answer to that question:
         --If you are a current student at the main campus: come to the DormNet helpdesk with your ID and we can reset that for you!*
         --If you are a current student at one of our satellite campuses: Give us a call and we can transfer you to someone who can help reset your password. (501) 279-4545*
         --If you are an alumni: Call the alumni office and they will be able to reset your password for you! (501) 279-4276*

*Remember that when we reset your password, you have 2 weeks to change that or it will expire again!

Setting Up Your Security Question

It is very important to have your security question setup because it will save you time in the future! It is also important that you make it something that you will remember! Below are a few steps to setup your security question.

1. a) Go to or click here
1. b) Go to the Pipeline Log-in and click "Change Password"

2.) Click on the "Update Security Question"
3.) Enter in your your Pipeline Username and Pipeline Password and set a new question and answer.

Keeping Your Pipeline Safe

Within the past few months a group of "phishers" have been targeting Harding Pipeline Users to try and get your information! It is very important that you practice safe online browsing. Please take the time to read this article in order to learn some essential techniques in safe online browsing.

Another essential part to keeping your Pipeline safe is implementing a safe password. Read this article explaining how to create a safe password!

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