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A Good Christian Minecraft Server

The Vatican is not the most logical thing to think of when the word “Minecraft” is mentioned, but it has been on the tip of everyone’s tongue recently.

Image from RockPaperShotgun

Robert Ballecer, a catholic priest who has made a name for himself in the online sphere, has built a dedicated Minecraft server for the Vatican. Father Ballecer told Rome Reports: “It’s not about the technology. It’s not even really about the gaming, it’s about getting people together, who can then maybe move those relationships to the real world.

He has encountered a bit of trouble, though. His server has been flooded with traffic, with long queues to get in. The solution, he reports, is that he is planning to move it to a more powerful machine in the near future. This issue is a relatively minor one compared to one that works against his stated intent for the community. Mr. Ballecer says there have been instances of people joining the server and immediately using expletives in the community chat. It would seem keeping his server and community free of any “Toxic” players will be quite a challenge for Father Ballecer.

Yes, it seems a bit odd, and maybe even silly, but it seems to be grasping at the same concept as many other popular social outreach programs: community building. Although, his community is literally being built block by block.

The address for the server is:

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